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It's Never Anyone Else's Fault

Boundaries. 💜

Thank you Brené Brown for always inspiring me!

It's never anyone else's fault how we feel around others and how they treat us. If you feel drained and icky after interacting with someone (whether it be a friend, co-worker, acquaintance, or family member), it's your responsibility to choose your response. And trust me, your response can either feel like freedom or suffering.

We can either be in VICTIM-MODE...

đŸ˜« Do we allow it and complain about this person directly?

đŸ˜« Do we allow it and complain to others about what this person did or didn't do and pull them into this ick too?

đŸ˜« Do we allow it and ruminate on what the other person did and let it fester?


we can become the CREATOR of our LIVES...

😁 Do we honor what's right and communicate to the other person how this isn't right for you?

😁 Do we honor what's right and create space from the relationship (either communicating or not communicating this to the person)?

If we learn what feels right or doesn't feel right and then allow our actions to adhere to that inner wisdom, we can love more deeply. We love ourself more deeply and thus, that energy translates onto the people you interact with. As Brené Brown explains as loving more fully in this video clip that's full of her wisdom:

I'm not saying this is easy, especially for us recovering people-pleasers and perfectionists. We want everyone to like us. We can be afraid of losing close people in our lives.

What if I tell them what's not right and they leave me?

What if I lose my job?

What if I dissappoint the other person?

You are not responsible for anyone else's feelings or reactions. You are ONLY responsible for yours. This takes practice and doesn't come without deep emotions at first. This is a grieving process based your old paradigm.

Create a new story of love for yourself!!! ❀

Choosing to honor what's right or not right in every interaction is INTEGRITY. 💜💜💜💜💜 When you remain in integrity with your boundaries, a sense of freedom fills you.

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With encouragement of many friends, mentors, colleagues, and a lot of self-discovery, I decided it’s time to inspire others by sharing my experiences through writing.

Thank you for stopping by. V

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