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Grass-fed Beef Burgers, Cauliflower Mashers, and Sauteed Purple Cabbage

I love simple, healthy, and delicious food. This meal is no exception...


1 package grass-fed beef

1 head cauliflower

1 large purple cabbage

1/2 can organic coconut milk (full fat)

1 medium yellow onion

arugula (organic)

sea salt (to taste)

pinch dried oregano

white pepper (to taste)

Avocado oil (to taste)

Garlic powder (to taste)

1 Tbsp ghee (or organic salted butter)

Purified water*


Vitamix, hand-held emulsifier, or old-fashioned potato masher

Dutch oven size pot with lid

Cast iron skillet

Large deep round skillet

Parchment paper

4 inch round plastic or glass container (I used a wide mouth yogurt container)


Cut off the leaves of the cabbage and rinse to wash.

Slice cabbage into thin slices and then chop into 3 inch pieces.

Slice onion into long thin slices.

Remove the ground beef from the packaging and place in a glass bowl. Add salt, white pepper, and a pinch of oregano. Roll out and flatten on a piece of parchment paper. Use the round plastic container to press into the flattened patties and rotate the container (like you would do with a cookie cutter). Pick up the container, remove the patty and place it back down on the paper. Repeat this until all patties are formed into circles. Set aside.


Place entire head into the Dutch Oven with about 2 inches of purified water. Cover with lid and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a low simmer and steam for about 10-12 minutes. Cut into large chunks. Add 1/2 cup coconut milk along with the cauliflower into the Vitamix while it's still hot. Add the ghee, salt, and white pepper. Puree until you reach the desired consistency and texture. I like mine really creamy and smooth.

Add Olive Oil into the large deep skillet and heat to low/ medium heat. Add the sliced cabbage and onions and cover loosely with a lid letting the steam escape (this helps to reduce the water that builds up in the pan). Add sea salt and white pepper.

Heat the cast iron skillet on low/ medium heat. Add avocado oil. After the oil has heated. Place all the burger patties into the skillet and cook to desired temperature.

Serving Instructions:

Place arugula greens onto each dinner plate.

Drizzle with olive oil and add a dash of sea salt.

Add a dollop of the mashed cauliflower.

Add a generous serving of the cabbage.

Top with the burger patty.

Eat and Enjoy!!!

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With encouragement of many friends, mentors, colleagues, and a lot of self-discovery, I decided it’s time to inspire others by sharing my experiences through writing.

Thank you for stopping by. V


Ali Dombek Handel

Phone: 303-817-3027


Denver, Colorado


Monday - Friday (mountain time)

8am - 5pm

Saturday varies

Sunday varies

Ships on Thursdays


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